Thursday, September 13, 2007

Notes from day two of Collaboration in the world of Web 2.0

Day two did not disappoint.

The day two presentations and case studies further strengthened many of the messages from the previous day by providing participants with interactive sessions, round table discussions, collaboration exercises and viewing the use of social media in real-world examples.

Discussions and activities today focused on:

  • managing cultural and organisational change,
  • engaging and getting results from stakeholders,
  • examining content development and management in the Web 2.0 space,
  • internal communication methods and their role in an organisation
  • the benefits of virtual teams
  • brand management, IP, copyright and information channels in the world of Web 2.0

Probably the highlight of the day for me was the RSS presentation. Understanding RSS and the benefits it can offer to an organisation was a hot topic. A simple and effective form of publishing news alerts to “subscribed” individuals both internally and externally. As I know a bit about RSS feeds I was primarily interested in the implementation and management of the application that drives RSS from an operational perspective. During the course of this presentation, I asked questions to get a sense of what the technology and resourcing implications could be for an organisation. The feedback from those questions provided me with a strong place to start gathering momentum for an RSS revolution in the organisation I work for! Cool!

All up a very beneficial, informative and successful conference.

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